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 Guests of Honor

JOSÉ MARÍA AZNAR, Honorary President of the People's Party of Spain

ANA PASTOR, National Coordinator of Social Participation of the People's Party of Spain

ALFREDO PRADA, Director of the People's Party of Spain Overseas

ALFONSO RUEDA, Secretary General of the People's Party of Spain in Galicia

ANTONIO LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ, Secretary General of the European People's Party


The II Convention of the People's Party of Spain in the United States was held in Jersey City, New Jersey on December 5, 2010. Surrounded by breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty, more than 250 members and friends of the People's Party of Spain in the United States had an opportunity to exchange opinions, debate Spanish politics, and hear engaging speeches by high-ranking members of the party.

After the procedural call to order, Juan José Núñez, Secretary General of the People's Party of Spain in the U.S. presented his report of activities. He highlighted the creation of six new territorial delegations of the party in the United States over the last four years. Fernando Jiménez, member of the Washington, DC delegation, shared his visions on the challenges and opportunities of the Spanish community overseas in general, and in the United States in particular.The Territorial Delegate in New York presented a proposal to amend the regulations of the People's Party of Spain, which was approved.

After that, Neir Taboada, candidate to the presidency of the People's Party of Spain in the United States for the next four years, presented her program and team to the general audience. She outlined her vision to contribute from the United States to the victory of the People's Party of Spain in the upcoming regional and general elections. Ms. Taboada was re-elected by an overwhelming majority of attendees.

The highlight of the Convetion was provided by the four guest speakers. Antonio López-Istúriz, Secretary General of the European People's Party, Alfonso Rueda, Secretary General of the People's Party of Spain in Galicia, Alfredo Prada, Director of the People's Party of Spain Overseas, Ana Pastor, National Coordinator of Social Participation of the People's Party of Spain, and José María Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain and Honorary President of the People's Party of Spain, energized the audience at the Convention. They all highlighted how the socialist party has mismanaged the Spanish economy to the brink of a disaster, but expressed confidence in the Spanish people to embrace the alternative offered by the People's Party and work hard over the next few years to, once again, prosper as a country.

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