PPE-USA Update

News and announcements from the People's Party of Spain in the United States

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Demonstrations "Spain for Liberty. Stop concessions to ETA."

In protest against the Spanish government decision to grant house arrest to the ETA terrorist De Juana Chaos (convicted of the killing of 25 people), the People's Party of Spain invited all Spaniards to demonstrate on Saturday, March 10 in Madrid with the message "Spain for Liberty. Stop concessions to ETA". The party also organized peaceful protests on Friday, March 9 in all the provincial capitals and other cities in Spain.

More than two million souls (2,125,000 was the official figure from the Community of Madrid) joined the demonstration, the largest ever held in Spain, to protest publicly against the anti-terrorists policies of the socialist government. Many social, political and cultural associations of all political allegiances joined the protests to show solidarity with the victims of terrorism and to voice opposition to the Spanish government giving in to terrorist blackmail.

The People's Party of Spain in the United States (PPE-USA) organized a peaceful protest in front of the Spanish consulate in Miami, Florida, attended by 150 people. The message, "España por la Libertad. No más cesiones a ETA" ("Spain for Liberty. Stop concessions to ETA"), echoed that of the demonstration in Madrid.

The Spanish community in Washington, DC organized a protest in front of the Spanish embassy on March 14, 2007 with the message "For Liberty and Justice in Spain, no to ETA's blackmail! Do not negotiate in my name!".

Other Spaniards in the U.S. showed their solidarity by displaying the Spanish flag with a black crape or blue ribbon. Eduardo Baeza attended the demonstration in Madrid and visited the memorial on the Dominican Republic Plaza representing the People's Party of Spain in the U.S. and its youth organization, New Generations.

The People's Party of Spain encouraged all participants in the demonstrations on March 9 and 10 to wear a blue ribbon as a symbol of liberty and as an expression of the overwhelming desire of the Spanish people to never give in to the terrorists blackmail.

Consult videos and photos of the concentrations here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Juan José Núñez interviewed by Jaime Bayly on Mega TV

On March 6, 2007 Juan José Núñez, Secretary General and Territorial Delegate in Florida of the Popular Party of Spain in the United States (PPE-USA), was interviewed by the writer and journalist Jaime Bayly in his program on Mega TV (channel 22) of Miami, Florida.

Consult the video of the interview here.